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Here are the steps to follow to reimburse a notary / lawyer by EFT with the In Trust amount.


Before starting this section, make sure that he banking information in the Notary/Lawyer contact page has been inserted.

Contacts > Lawyers / Notaries


Trust account

  1. In the trust account tab, create the deposit amount (if not already done)


Payment Type: Withdrawal / Payment
Withdrawal Type: Refubd Refund to Lawyer / Notary
Transaction Date: Date of transfer
Cheque Date: Same as transaction date
Method: Electronic Funds Transfer
Withdrawal Amount: Amount to send to Lawyer / Notary


You’ll see the amount at zero, however this maount amount needs to be assigned somewhere in order to link it with the commission account.


Transaction Date: Transfer date
Bank GL Account: Choose Commission Account
Payment Method: Cheque
Cash Receipt Amount: Same as in Trust Amount
Description: Enter transaction number and address
*Exempt Taxes

4. Accounting > Accounts Payable > Payment Outside Supplier Account

  1. Add a New Payment of outside supplier account

  2. Complete the following fields:

    Image Added

Payment Outside Supplier Account:

Payment Type: Third-Party Payment
Payment date:
Payment Amount:
Bank Account: Choose Commission account

Beneficiary Section:

Type of Beneficiary: Notary/Lawyer
Transaction: Choose the transaction


Once you’ve selected your transaction, most fields will automatically fill themselves. (Notary/Lawyer information and address)

Payment method: Electronic Funds Trasnfer


Once completed, click on “Next
