
You will now be able to access this report by going to Transactions → Reports → Transactions -Detailed, click on the report selection box to see your reports, your personalized reports will be at the bottom in the Private section.


Convert the report in a



You can convert the information in your report into a graphic for easier analysis


You can click on the 2nd button to the left of the Actions menu at any time to return to the list and on the 1st button to the left of the Actions menu to return to the graph.




To display the number of days versus a postal code; you just have to hover the mouse pointer over the stick and you will have the postal code and the average of the corresponding number of days.

2. Modify the chart

To modify the layout or sorting of the chart, all you have to do is click on the "Edit chart" link which is located among in the filters at the top.If


For example, if you want to have the same statistic but by city instead of the postal code, it's simple; Just click :

  • Click on the link "Edit chart"


  • Under "Label"


  • select "City"


  • Change the axis title of the label to "City"


  • .

  • Click on


  • Apply


  • .

The graph is regenerated immediately but displays the average number of days per city instead of the first 3 characters of the postal code.



Congratulations! You have created your first interactive report!