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There are two ways to add funds to an agent’s open credit:

  1. Saving a portion of the commission of a transaction distributed to your agent.

  2. Manually uploading an open credit with cash receipt (receiving an amount by Electronic bank transfer or Cheque) from your agent.

Saving a portion of the commission:

When distributing the commission amount to your agents in a transactions disbursments.

  • Click on ADD.

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  • In the disbursement operation, Click ADD (green +) to open credits.

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  • Enter the amount to be transferred to open credit and Save and Close, you can continue your disbursment operations and the system will keep the amount you entered in the open credit of your agent.

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  • The open credit amount will now be available in your agents profile.

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Manual open credit upload with cash receipt from your agent:

What do I do if an agent gives me a cheque or sends me a bank transfer with funds to add to his open credit?

  1. Create a cash receipt under billing : Accounting > Cash Receipts > Billing

  2. Add a new cash receipt for invoicing

  3. Complete the Invoicing cash receipt profile

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    • Select your agent.

    • Select payment method: Cheque / Bank Transfer….

    • Choose the Bank GL Account where the money was deposited.

    • Reference no (if applicable).

    • The amount received.

    • The cheque or transfer date.

    • Enter amount to be applied to open credit (in this scenario, applying the complete amount of 1000$ to open credit).

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  4. If there is an amount to be paid immediately for unpaid invoices, you can apply them in the Invoices to Pay section (in the scenario there are no unpaid invoices)

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    When clicking on add, a list of the agent’s unpaid invoices will appear.

  5. Once completed, click on SUBMIT or Submit and add a new, the amount of the open credit will now be in the agent’s profile.


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