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  1. accounting Accounting > account Account receivable > invoicesInvoices


2. click on +createCreate


3. select Select the agent you want to invoice. then Then click on next.


4. fill Fill in the "invoicing Invoicing profile" section

**object : it's the name of the global invoice


5. In the details Details section, add the invoicing Invoicing element in the invoice. Then save and close.



If the billing element is a fix fees, the amount is entered automatically ( if it was entered at the time of creating the billing element ) . If it is a variable charge you must enter the unit amount.


6. When all the invoicing elements are entered and the information is valid you click "save Save and closeClose" at the top of the page. The invoice is available for any changes if there is an error.

When you press "submitSubmit" the invoice is submitted to the broker ( therefore in his profile of broker ) and ready to be paid and cannot be changed.



If you realized that the invoice had an error after you submitted it and your broker has not paid it yet you can delete it by clicking on "creditCredit" and start the invoice again.


