Ah, the inevitability of change. We may not like it, but we need to be aware of it!
As of April 8, 2014 Microsoft retired Windows XP. Here is what that means;
· Microsoft will no longer Support Windows XP
· Updates will no longer be available for Windows XP
· Latest versions of software (Internet Explorer etc) will not be compatible with Windows XP
· Security vulnerabilities will not be patched
If you are running windows XP please read the following; Not sure if you are running Windows XP? Visit
We at Repree understand that upgrading can take some time, so we will continue to assist XP users as much as we can and will support Windows XP through May 15, 2014. After May 15 you can continue to use Windows XP, however, if you choose to do so you may encounter issues and, as Microsoft is no longer patching security vulnerabilities, you may be leaving yourself open to potential security problems.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions:
Toll free 1.877.667.7343 (U.S./Canada)
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