Step 1:

-Click on +Add Client

-Once you have opened the Add a Client page, you can now fill the fields with your client information as shown below.

-Ensure you click on ‘Save All Contact Information’

-Your new client will be added to the column on the left hand side of your home screen.

Step 3:

To edit or update client information, click on ‘Details’ or on ‘'Edit'' beside the client’s name once selected.

Step 4:

-To add a contact connected to a client (eg. Lawyer, Mortgage Broker, Spouse etc.), click on ‘Add Contact” (when you are in the specific client’s profile).

-If the contact has the same information as your client, click on ‘Actions’ and select ‘Copy to new contact’ as shown below.

-Select ‘Save All Contact Information’ to save contact.

Step 5:

-You can add additional fields for your client/contacts by clicking on ‘Actions' and on ‘Additional Fields’.

-Default for all Clients’ section is where you can turn ON or OFF the field that you wish to add or remove from your client/contact profile as shown below.

-Once finished, click on ‘Save’.

Step 6:

-To delete a client, click on the client to open their information.

-Click on ‘Action’.

-Click on ‘Delete Contact’.

This will delete the contact from your list.
