How to credit an invoice

How to credit an invoice

To credit an invoice in totality which has not been paid:
Go to modules: Accounting → Accounts Receivables → Invoices

  • Locate the invoice you wish to credit and click on the pencil to edit

  • On the top section, click on “Credit”. A new window will appear.


  • Select a “Credit date” and “Credit

The credit option will not be available if an element is coming from a split invoice .

To create a credit note (open credit):
You need to create an invoice with a negative amount

  • Click on Accounting → Accounts Receivables → Invoices to open the “Invoice list”

  • Click on “Create” at the top of the page (This will open a new window)

  • Select an agent and click “Next”

  • In the “Invoicing profile” you’ll see the agents name that you previously chose, the date, their address and you must fill out the Object section (i.e: credit for supplies)

  • In the “Details” section

    • You could choose one of the following tabs:

      • Include express billing,

      • Include invoice splits

      • Include reccuring charges

    • and click on the pencil to modify the information if necessary (i.e: quantity (in negative), delete an item or change the unit amount) then cick on “Submit


  • Click on “ADD” to complete the “invoice profile details”

    • Choose an “Invoice element

    • Write a “Description

    • Write a “Quantity” (amount in positive or negative)

    • add “Unit Amount

    • Click “Save and Close” or “Save and add a new one

  • Once you have completed, click on “Submit” at the top of the page. All that’s left is to print the invoice or send it by email to your agent.

A credit note automatically creates an open credit for the agent.



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