Cash Receipts
In the following section, you’ll find a list of all cash receipts created in the system.
Accounting > Cash Receipts
To create a new “Cash Receipt” choose one of the following:
Select a tab at the top of the page (All, Transactions, Comm Advances, Other Payments, Billing, Mortgage Referral or Trust Account Receipts)
Simply click “Add a Cash Receipt” and then make a selection
Complete the mandatory fields in the “Cash Receipt Profile” (In this example, “Other Payment” was selected)
Transaction date: Select the date of the transaction.
Bank GL Account: Bank account where your payment will be or has been deposited.
Tax Date Selection: Choose a date where the taxes will be associated.
Payment Mode: Cheque by default. Use the drop down menu to select another option.
Reference no: Your choice or cheque number.
Cheque Date: The menu allows you to choose a date from the calendar.
Cash Receipt Amount: Amount of payment received.
Description: Your choice, transaction or other information
Amount already deposited: No if by cheque or cash. Yes if by electronic transfer.
The following section is optional but available at your convenience
GL Account:
Document Upload: You can upload and save a copy of the cheque received.
URL Upload: Paste a link for a virtual upload.
Deposit slip: Enter the slip number or leave blank.
Note: Create a personal message or other.
Once you have completed the necessary fields, “Submit” or “Submit and Add a New” cash receipt.