Document transfer

Document transfer

Did you know that you can send documents from one file to another?

It might happen for example that two files are accidentally created by your agents or by your administration staff and the documents were uploaded in the wrong file , there is an easy way to rectify that.


Follow the steps below to move documents without having to download them on your computer and reupload them.


  1. Go to: Documents > Document Transfer

If these tabs aren’t visible on your account, please enable this feature in your user group or ask your supervisor to make these changes.


2. Complete the mandatory fields

  • Source Folder: Listing / Transaction / Transaction Report - Type of file the documents are coming from

  • Source Folder: Select property

  • Action: Move or Copy documents

  • Target Folder: Listing / Transaction / Transaction Report - Type of file the documents are going to

  • Target Folder: Select property


3. Once you have selected the source folder, the documents of the file will appear below

You may select all or individually


4. Once you have completed your selection, click on Save & stay on this page to make more transfers or Save and go to the profile. You will then be brought to the profile page of the chosen target folder.

5. Save or Save & Close
