121QA Surveys with NexOne Office

121QA Surveys with NexOne Office

As a NexOne Office administrator, you have the ability to send out surveys to both seller and buyer clients.

To enable this service, contact 121QA

Sending surveys

  • Go to: Transactions > Reports > Transaction- 121QA Survey


  • By default, transactions with a firm status are filtered.


  • Select your client from the list or use the search bar.


  • Once you have located your client and transaction, click on the “Plus Sign” on the left-hand side.


  • Parameters for the survey must be completed before submitting.


  • Once the survey has been sent, the status will be updated.


You have the ability to cancel the survey before the client begins. Once they have started it can’t be cancelled.

Once the survey has been completed by your client, you will be able to view the results by clicking on the client's name.


For more questions related to 121QA Surveys, please contact them http://121qa.com/contact.php
