Agents active for a period

Agents active for a period

We recently created a new filter in your “agents” tab for interactive reports.

We have had several requests to release an agent report with an active status for a specific month or year.

You can find this report in: Agents / Non-Agents > Agents

the filter is, by default, set to July 2020

Here are the steps to modify and/or duplicate the report over the months or the years


  1. in the drop-down menu, choose “Agents active for a period”

    • By clicking on the filter below, you will see the expression details of the created filter.


  2. You can change this formula for another month or year by changing the figures ex: 2020-08-01 to 2020-08-31.

In this formula there is a start date and an end date. Both must be modified to generate the report for another period.

(TRUNC(Y) IS NULL OR TRUNC(Y) > to_date('2020-08-31','YYYY-MM-DD'))
AND NOT (TRUNC(V) >= to_date('2020-08-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AND
TRUNC(Y) <=to_date('2020-08-31','YYYY-MM-DD'))


To create multiple months in the same report (choosing one month or year at a time) follow these steps to create duplicates.

Before you begin, copy the formula and select the filter: "Active brokers for a period"

  1. Select Actions > Filter

  2. Filter Type: Row

  3. Name: Agents active for a period (month or year) → Add a specific title to easily identify it

  4. Paste the formula:

    • (TRUNC(Y) IS NULL OR TRUNC(Y) > to_date('2020-08-31','YYYY-MM-DD'))
      AND NOT (TRUNC(V) >= to_date('2020-08-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AND
      TRUNC(Y) <=to_date('2020-08-31','YYYY-MM-DD'))

  5. Modify the month and the year if needed

  6. Apply

  7. Actions

  8. Save Report

  9. Do not change modify the title, then “Apply”

→ Follow these steps for every additional filters

If you would like to save this report in other formats:

  1. Action > Download

  2. Choose the format in which you want to download: CSV, HTML, Email