How to create a new agent profile
When you have a new broker in your agency you absolutely have to create a agent profile to be able to pay him the commission and if you want him to have access to the platform you also have to create a user profile for him.
Create the agent profile
here is the way to go:
Agents / non-agents > Agents, then click on Create
Fill in the required fields and click on Next,
Branch : If you have more than one branch office, enter the correct one for this agent
Internal Agent No. : This is generated automatically. This can also be the file number of your old system for the internal number.
Then this page opens;
You must fill in the required fields, then Save and Close.
Your Agent profile is now created.
Create user profile
To give access to the platform you must create a user profile.
Here is the way to go:
Administration > Security > Users . Then Create
Then you will be directed to this page;
Fill in the required fields. Then save and close
User Type:
Agent assistant ( enter this choice if teamed with another broker )
Office staff (enter this choice if your broker is also an admin) If he is admin and broker you have to make him two users one broker and one agency staff, in this case he will have access to the platform from admin and broker side. )
User Group: This is what determines the access you give to your broker.
By default there are these user groups: administration, agent, secretary, supervisor.
If you want to create a new user group here is the link : How to create a User Group
Agent : The agent you have just created
Password : You determine the password and at the time of its first connection the broker will be able to modify it.
If your agent does not connect with centris on NexOne, he will be able to do with the code of your brokerage, his user code and the password.
Then you will be redirected to this page;
You can add information about your broker here then Save and Close