

  1. In order to send a message by fax, please go to the ‘'Communication’' section in the lef menu and select ‘'SMS’' in order to be in the right place the next steps.

At first look, you have a history that allows you to see old messages sent.


2. Please select the ‘' Create’' option to get the message creation interface.


3. In the message creation interface, several manipulations must be completed in order to send a fax message successfully.

  • Please enter the fax number. (1)

  • Please enter a subject to give more details about the message. (2)

  • Please write your message in the space provided for this purpose. (3)

  • Finally, you can save or send your message by selectiong ‘'Save and close’' or ‘'Send and close’' (4)

There it is, you are now able to send a message by fax.