

Here is the way to access the list of all the brokerages you have collaborated with.

Contacts > Offices :

In this interface, you can modify or add some information about a brokerage you have done business with in the past or create a new one.

  1. To modify or add information to an existing brokerage, click on the pencil next to the brokerage in question:

You can add many informations such as: Address, phone numbers, emails, Electronic Funds Transfer accounts (mandatory if you want to be able to pay them by EFT, add documents and their tax number.

Section '' Listings and transactions where our brokerage is involved ''.

You have all those with which you have collaborated and you can access them by clicking on the number of these.

2. Once back on the page where there is the list of collaborating brokerages

→ To create a new one, click on ''Create+'' at the top, then this page will open:

You can Create the brokerage;

  1. By writing the name of the brokerage.


2. By selecting a brokerage using the drop-down menu to import it from Centris.

This way several pieces of information will be automatically populated.

Once one of these two fields is filled, click on ''Save and Close''.

Then you will be redirected to this page;

If you created the brokerage by writing the name only, you will have to fill in the following information, if you had imported it from Centris you would not have needed to enter all this information.

  • Office Profile

  • Address

  • Phone

  • emails

Once the information is set, click on ''Save and close'' at the top of the page.

The new office is now part of your list.
