OACIQ self inspection (Quebec only)

OACIQ self inspection (Quebec only)

OACIQ Self Inspection 

Transactions registries :

  1. Go to Reports > Registries > Transactions. Transactions - Log of transactions
  2. Select a specific branch from the dropdown menu or select "All" if you need registries of all branches.
  3. Enter Start Date / End Date
  4. Leave Sort and Date used for Period  at "Creation Date"
  5. Click on PDF icon to generate report.

Listing registries :

  1. Go to Reports > Registries > Listing AgreementsListing Agreements (Brokerage contracts)
  2. Select a specific branch from the dropdown menu or select "All" if you need registries of all branches.
  3. Enter Start Date / End Date
  4. In the "Sort" field, select "Listing Date"
  5. In the "Date used or Period", select "Listing Date"
  6. Click on PDF icon to generate report.

Summary of Trust Account Transactions Summary of Trust Account Transactions

  1. Go to Reports > Registries > Summary of Trust Account transactions.
  2. Select "Yes" if there were modifications to the financial instituion and/or to the account number of the general trust account. If not, select 'No".
  3. Enter Start Date / End Date
  4. Click on PDF icon to generate report.

Register of operations to the general trust account 

  1. Aller dans le menu Reports > Trust Account > Genral Trust Account Ledger. on the right top, clic on Reports
  2. Enter Start Date / End Date
  3. Click on PDF icon to generate report.

Notice of disclosure registries : Notice of Disclosure

  1. Go to Reports > Registries > Notice of Disclosure
  2. Select a specific branch from the dropdown menu or select "All" if you need registries of all branches.
  3. Enter Start Date / End Date
  4. Click on PDF icon to generate report.

Agents (Registry of Agents)

Deposits by Receipt No

Amounts Held (in Trust Account)

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