Invoice Split
The invoice split section is used to split amounts between the office and the brokers/agents or simply throughout the brokers/ agents.
Accounting > Accounts Receivables > Invoice Split
Create a New Invoice Split:
In the Invoice split / purchase section, complete the following fields:
Invoice Split / Purchase Date: Choose from the following
Expenses to chargeback
Invoice on behalf of a team
Transaction date: Select the transcation date*
Invoice Element: Select the GL Account (If not created go to Administration > Setup > Invoicing elements > Items >Create)
Description: French and/or English
Accounting plan: If applicable to change
Amount: Total amount to split or chargeback
*Please take note that ‘'TRANSACTION DATE’' is the date we will use to reflect your GL accounts and this date will also be used when submitting your tax reports.
If you have selected expense to charge back invoice on behalf of office you’ll have an AGENT section to complete.
If you are adding more than one agent you can click on ADD and select them one by one and choose Save and Add a new one
If you are billing all the agents in the brokerage or the majority of them, select Add in batch.
Hold CTRL + Click with mouse to select random agents, then click on >
Hold Shift + Click with mouse to grab all agents from top to bottom, then click >
Once your agents have been selected, click CREATE
To distribute the amount throughout your agents, edit each one and enter unit amount. If you’re billing the same amount evenly, click on Even Distribution.
When you have completed your invoice, click on SUBMIT.
If you are not ready to send the invoice to your agents, click on Save and Close
Invoice on behalf of the office
Amounts shared with the office:
To add GL accounts manually, click on add line and search for the GL account from the drop down menu.
Enter the amount manually
Once completed, click Submit or Save and Close to return later. You can also click Submit and add a new one to create a new invoice breakdown.