Details that cost you time (or tips that save you time)

Details that cost you time (or tips that save you time)

When working in your NexOne platform, there are small things that, if you do not pay attention to, will cost you time. Among these things, we have:

1- Clients' last name in your folder

When working in a transaction/listing folder, you can have a technical error after attempting to create a signing session

This technical error can be the result of the last name missing for one or more of the clients added in the folder

In this case, just add the missing last name of the client, save, and try again.

2- Create a transaction from a listing

It can happen that you create a standalone transaction, and after you try to link the transaction to a listing folder.
Avoid this extra step, and use one of these two methods to create the transaction folder instead:

  • Open the concerned listing, click on Add a transaction; then, follow the steps

  • Under Transactions, click “Add”, and choose to find an existing listing

3-Auto-submit your documents

When creating a signing session, you can check the box to auto-submit your documents.
By checking that option, your signed documents will be uploaded automatically in your EDM after the signing session is completed by every signers.