How to Create a Transaction from an Agent Profile

How to Create a Transaction from an Agent Profile

Log in to your Agent Profile.

Once you are on the Home Page, Click on Transactions:

Now you are in your Transaction section (shown below).

Here you will be able to see all of your own Transactions (Depending on what Status Filter you have selected).

To add a new Transaction, Click on “+ADD”:

After you have done the above you will be on this screen:

Here, you are able enter your Transaction by an MLS Number or if your Transaction never had an MLS Number, you can go ahead and click on ‘create a standalone’


The difference is if you click on ‘find an existing listing’ by MLS, this will populate most of the data for you and will save you time since the information will be pulled in by the Listing information.


Next(Once you have click on 'Create a stand alone' or if you found an existing Listing my MLS, you will be directed to the page shown below:


Fill out as much information as you can found in all the Tabs that are highlighted in the above picture.

Refer to your Brokerage administrator to ensure you are meeting their requirements as to what exact information is needed and what Stauses they would like you to use and when.


Once all the information is filled out, Click on save found under the Note Tab at the bottom of the page:


Now, you are able to upload the desired documents:

















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