How read-only / read and write access works for realtors that leave the office
When a Realtor leaves a brokerage that has an active profile in Faltour, the Brokerage has the ability to set the access level needed.
1 - No Access -The User will not be able to view or see anything.
2 - Read Only Access - The User will be able to view listings, transactions, and documents. They also have the ability to open and save documents as PDFs. They also have the ability to email documents.
The User will not be able to edit listings and transactions and is unable to upload documents.
3 - Read and Write Access. - The User will have full functionality which includes editing listing and transaction profiles, uploading documents
For the Realtor to have Read Only Access or Read and Write Access. the Realtord Profile must be marked as ACTIVE. If it is Marked as Cancelled, the Realtor will not be able to log in.