Agents Statistics

Agents Statistics

As an agent, you can now view all detailed statistics regarding your listings, transactions, incomes, expenses and even your ranking, directly in the statistics tab.


Listings statistics: (View graph below)

  1. Year Selected (in this example it is 2020)

  2. Number of listings in the current year and previous year

  3. Total number of listings in the current year.
    (It is the listing date that is being used for the period selected.)

These statistics exclude buyer agreements, kit & cancelled listings as well as listing referrals.

4. Number of listings from the last year (previous year)

5. Number of listings for the year before last (2 years prior)

6. Total number of listings in the current year where the listing date is 30 days or less ; 60 days ; 90 day or about to expire. (Excludes: buyer agreements. Includes: new, renewed or active listing status and / or has a pending promise to purchase)


Transaction statistics: (view graph below)

  1. Year Selected (in this example it is 2020)

  2. Number of transactions in the current year and previous year

  3. Total number of transactions in the current year.
    (It is the transaction date that is being used for the period selected.)

These statistics exclude buyer agreements. Transactions that have a new, conditional, or cancelled status. And also exclude transactions where the agent is a listing referral or transaction referral.

4.Number of transactions from the last year (previous year)

5.Number of transactions for the year before last (2 years prior)

6.Total number of transactions with a “Firm” Status.

Excludes buyer agreements and transactions where the agent is a listing referral or transaction referral.

7. Total number of transactions with a “Conditional” status

8. Total number of transactions with a “Completed” status

9. Total number of transactions with a “Cancelled” status


Income statistics: (view graph below:

  1. Year Selected (in this example it is 2020)

  2. Total income cashed by the agent per month for the current year vs previous year (year selected)

  3. Total income cashed by the agent for the current year (year selected)

  4. Total income cashed by the agent for the previous year

  5. Total income cashed by the agent for 2 years prior.

  6. Total income cashed by the agent for the current year separated by sale of property, mortgage referral and income adjustments.

Expense Statistics: (View graph below)

  1. Year Selected (in this example it is 2020)

  2. Total of expenses per month for: Transaction fees, deductions, invoices, and personal expenses from the current year vs previous year.

  3. Total of expenses for the current year for: Transaction fees, deductions, invoices, and personal expenses.

  4. Total of expenses for the previous year for: Transaction fees, deductions, invoices, and personal expenses.

  5. Total of expenses for 2 years prior for: Transaction fees, deductions, invoices, and personal expenses.

  6. Total of expenses described in #2 but separated by expenses.

Ranking: (Views graphs below)

  1. Year Selected (in this example it is 2020)

  2. Agents ranking for listings according to the reports of the brokerage.

  3. Agents ranking for transactions according to the reports of the brokerage.

  4. Agents ranking for mortgage referrals according to the reports of the brokerage.

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