Edit Signing Session in NexOne Sign

Note: You can edit your signing session only if your clients haven't started signing their documents. 

After having sent your signature request, you are still able to edit your signing session.

  1. Open your transaction or listing by clicking on the pencil


  2. Select “NexOne Sign Log” at the top of the page


  3. Select Signing session to edit by clicking on the pencil


  4. When editing your signature request, you have two choices:


    ♦ Edit Signers & Documents

     In this section, you will be able to edit your signer’s information: Add / Remove yourself or your client as a signeredit the Email addressRouting #Signer type, and Password. You can also click Resend next to your client's email address in order to resend them the signature request.

    → You can change edit your signature request Subject and Message.

     Finally, you will be able to edit your documents for signing: Add / Remove documentsAdd / Remove Auto-Submit and Change documents Order.

    → Then Click on Add documents for signatures

    ♦ Edit Tags


     In this area, you will be able to Add / Remove & edit your Tags.

     Then Click on Send.