NexOne Sign
When sending a signature request from NexOne to your clients, follow the steps below.
Access your listing or transaction Kit
Select your listing or transaction
At the top of the page, select NexOne Sign
Allow the pop-up on the top
You’ll be brought to a new page to create a New Signing Session
Choose your contact: If different than in your contact list or to add an addition signer
Signer Name: Entered by default with your clients contact
Signer Email: Entered by default with your clients contact
Signer Type:
Signer: Client to Sign
Carbon Copy: Receiving a copy but not signing
In-person signer: Signing in person online
Routing: By default set to 1 but can be changed if multiple signers and they need to sign after another signer.
Password: Can add a password protector for extra measures (not mandatory)
You can add an additional signer
Add yourself as a signer
Select a template: Template set by default NexOne Simple.
You can change the template by selecting Edit Template
Subject: By default, property information is added but can be modified
Message: Default message applied but can be modified
Drag and drop the documents from the right and bring them to the left for signing.
Tag Documents for signing
Add/Edit your Tags
This is the Add/Edit Tags section. You will be able to add revisions to your documents and place your signatures/initials for your signer as well as modify your document with the help of other tags, if required.
To place your strike-through tag, click on it, drag it and place it over the undesired text. To adjust the size of your strike-through tag, grab the little white box and resize to the desired size.
You also have the option to easily strike-through a whole paragraph by using the
"Z" strike-through.
To add text to your document, place the text field box wherever you want to make your changes in the document, then input text inside the box. To resize the
Text Field box, move the little white box on the corner to adjust its size. You also have the Note option to write notes for your clients or the Highlight option to emphasize your text.
In order to add notes for your clients, please select their names before placing the tag. The notes and highlights will not appear in the completed & signed documents.
It is recommended to add your revisions
prior to tagging the documents for signatures and initials. Drag and Drop the text field to the desired position. You can also edit the Font Type and Size located at the top right hand-side which will change the font style for all text fields.
You can also assign a text field tag to a specific signer, requiring them to fill in the assigned text field. You need to select the signer before placing your tags in this particular situation. The signer's name under the text field box indicates that the text field is assigned to that particular signer.
Assign a Check Mark box so your client can add/input selections.
Place your Signatures / Initials
Once all changes have been made to your documents, you can start placing your Tags. At the top of your screen, select the clients for which you want to place your signatures/initials. You can also Multi-Select your clients and drag down one tag which creates a tag for all signers.
To add the Date/Time box in your document, you need to select your client and then place it. After your clients have completed their session, the Date/Time box will be populated automatically from their local machine. You can:
Select Time to only have the time;
Select Date to only have the date;
Select Date and Time to have the full date (date and time).
Once you have finished placing all your Tags, click Send at the top right hand-side of your screen.
A sign audit will be created for your signing session. You can review the information by selecting NexOne Sign in your NexOne Office listing or transaction file
Remove your tags
To remove a tag, you can drag and drop the tag outside of the document or click on the .