EDM settings

EDM settings

Keep the floating menu open

In the document section of Listings and Transactions, the floating menu refers to a navigation tool that stays visible as users scroll through a page, allowing them to access various document-related features. The settings for this floating menu can be adjusted in three ways:

  1. Always Open: The menu will remain open at all times, visible on the screen. This option provides constant access to the menu without needing to hover or click.

  2. Disabled: The menu will not float or remain visible as users scroll. It will only be accessible when triggered by a specific action (like a click).

  3. Open on Mouse Over: The menu will remain hidden, but as the user moves the mouse over the area where the menu would be, it will automatically open, providing access to the available tools.


Default sorting of documents

The default sorting of documents in the system allows users to control how documents are displayed in the listings and transactions sections based on various criteria. The available sorting options are:

  1. Creation Date (Ascending): This sorting option arranges the documents in chronological order from the oldest to the newest. It is useful if you want to see documents in the order they were first created.

  2. Creation Date (Descending): In contrast to ascending order, this option sorts documents with the most recent ones at the top and the oldest at the bottom. This is ideal for users who want to prioritize the latest documents.

  3. Document Type (Ascending): This option sorts the documents alphabetically by their type (e.g., contract, agreement, invoice, etc.). Documents will be listed starting from A to Z according to their type, which can help when searching for a particular kind of document.

  4. Filename (Ascending): This sorts the documents alphabetically by their filename. Documents are arranged from A to Z based on the file names, making it easier to find a specific file if you know its name.


Default sharing type

The Default Sharing Type setting determines how documents are shared with agents based on their role in a listing or transaction. It adjusts the sharing permissions according to the agent's involvement, ensuring that the right documents are accessible to the appropriate agents. Here’s how it works:

Follow the Role:

  • If the agent is on the listing side:

    • The default sharing will automatically be set to share the document with the listing agent. This ensures that only the listing agent has access to the document initially, reflecting their primary role in the transaction.

  • If the agent is on the collaborator side:

    • The default sharing will automatically be set to share the document with the collaborator agent. This applies when the agent is involved as a collaborator on the transaction, meaning they are working with the listing agent but aren't the primary representative.

All Agents involved:

  • If the agent represents both sides (i.e., acting as both the listing and the collaborator agent):

    • The default sharing will include all agents involved in the transaction. In this case, both the listing and collaborator agents (or any other involved agents) will have access to the document by default, ensuring that all relevant parties are on the same page.





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