How to Add a Client in a Listing


Step 1: In the Nexone Office Dashboard, select «Listings» from the list on the left of the screen.



Step 2: On the Listings Dashboard, press on «Kits». The Kits menu showcases all your listings.



Step 3: Press on the pencil aligned next to the kit you would like to add a new client to.



Step 4: Scroll down to the «Clients» section and select «+Add Client» to add a new client to your listing.



Step 5: Fill-in the appropriate client profile fields.

The following fields are mandatory:

  • Title

  • First Name

  • Last Name



Step 6 (optional): To add an email address, scroll down to the «Emails» section. Enter your client’s email and press on «+Add».

Adding an Email will let you send EDMs.



Step 7: Press on «Save and Close» on top of the screen to complete the customer addition.




Congratulations on adding a new client.