Add a client FINTRAC information.
Step 1: In the Nexone Office Dashboard, select «Listings» from the list on the left of the screen.
Step 2: On the Listings Dashboard, press on «Kits». The Kits menu showcases all your listings.
Step 3: Press on the pencil aligned next to the desired kit.
Step 4: Scroll down to the Clients section and press on the pencil aligned to the appropriate client.
Step 5: Scroll down to the FINTRAC Information section and select the client’s Date of Birth.
Step 6: Select the Document Type you will use for the FINTRAC.
You can choose from the following documents:
Health Insurance ID
Social Insurance Number
Driver’s License
Residence Card
Step 7: Enter the document’s reference number and expiration date, if applicable.
Step 6: Press on «Save and Close» on top of the screen to complete the customer addition.
Congratulations on adding a client’s FINTRAC Information.