Getting Started with NexOne

Getting Started with NexOne

Log on

Log on through your Association button with your board credentials or directly using your NexOne Agent credentials after clicking this link: https://app.repree.com/Account/LogOn

You can access the full article in the following link: https://nexone.atlassian.net/l/cp/mNs70hMv

Profile, Support, Blog

Add or update your profile, watch tutorials on the Support page and get tips for becoming a paperless agent at the blog.

You can access the full article in the following link: Add or Update Your Profile and Get Support

Add Client

Add your clients' contact info, spouse and more. Click Add Client or Client Details to input info.

You can access the full article in the following link: Add Client

Additional Fields

Use Additional Fields to remember all of your client's information, including those extra lesser know details.

You can access the full article in the following link: Adding Additional Fields

Add Transaction

Add transactions, like a property address, as active, lead, archive or other to keep your clients organized. 

You can access the full article in the following link: Managing New and Existing Transactions

Add Documents

Upload documents saved to your computer and sign, email or store them through NexOne Agent.

You can access the full article in the following link: Upload Documents From Your Computer


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