How to add an electronic fund transfer to a agent profile.

How to add an electronic fund transfer to a agent profile.

First, go to the agent's profile:

Agents and non-agents > Agents

Use the pencil to select the agent whose EFT you want to add,

Secondly, when you are in the agent's profile select the tab: Electronic Funds Transfer.

Third, this page will open and this is where you can add an electronic fund transfer;

Click on '' add + ''.

Fourth, this page will open and this is where you will fill in the information for the electronic transfer you want to associate with your broker; fill in the required fields

Type: deposit only, withdrawal only or deposit and withdrawal.

Active: Leave to yes so you can use it and make it inactive when it is not good or you don't need to use it anymore

Note: this is not mandatory but you can leave yourself a note. As in this case it is the third account of the agent so I specify it

Fifth, once all required fields are filled and verified you can '' Save and Close ''.

Your account is now in your broker's profile and ready to be used, lastly do 'Save and Close' in your agent's profile;


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