Add documents to EDM

Add documents to EDM

This article explains how to add documents in the EDM of a transaction

See the article Add a scanner (agent access) to set up your scanner

First, open the EDM section of your transaction

Click on ‘'Add documents +’'

  1. In the add documents window, select the scanner from which your documents are coming from.

  2. The section on the right shows you the missing mandatory documents of the file

  3. Click in the box in the second section to upload your documents.

  4. Click on ‘'Next’'

You can now choose the type of the documents and the visibility of those documents.

You can also hide a document by checking the box on the left.

Warning, this does not delete the document, it hides it from the users

Click on ‘'Save and Close’' or ‘'Save and Add New documents’'

You can now setup a default share type for each document type : Administration → Setup → Mandatory Documents → Documents