

This function highlights important information and presents it in an organized way for the agent. In addition, the agents can create their own “to-do list”, with the dates and people involved.

  1. Go to the Alerts tab in the left navigation panel


  2. You will be redirected to the page showed below



For each option, you can click on the link to open the files in question.

1 - This section shows the Listings that are about to expire, few days before the due date

2 - This section shows transactions with conditions that have not been realized yet

3 - This section displays all files where mandatory documents are missing

4 - This section displays documents that have been refused by the office.

5 - This section shows your personal To do Tasks

To learn how to create your own tasks, click here: To do Tasks

In this example, we will choose the missing documents reminders.

Select the transaction report that you want add the documents.

Add you documents.

Save the documents.

And after saved, the missing documents count changed.


Completed !