Withdrawal in trust - Reimburse notary/lawyer (Complete)
Withdrawal in trust - Reimburse notary/lawyer (Complete)
Here are the steps to do withdrawal from your Trust account and refund a Lawyer / Notary.
To start, find your transaction and click on the pencil to open it.
Click on “Trust”
Click on “Add Withdrawal”
Select the following:
Transaction type: Withdrawal / Payment
Withdrawal type: Refund to lawyer/Notary
Complete the following fields:
Select the “Payment method”: Bank transferer, Cheque, Electronic Funds Transfer or Other.
Enter the “Cheque Date”
Enter the “Withdrawal Amount”
Save and Close
Print Cheque
To print a cheque go to:
Scroll down to Payment from Trust Account
Click on the letter logo
Select Cheque + Submit
Click on the pencil to view the format created
Once you have approved the cheque, click on PDF to print