Mandatory documents removed

Mandatory documents removed

Here are a few changes we have applied to the Electronic Document (EDM) section of your listing, buyer agreements, and transaction reports.


  • The tab to add mandatory documents has been removed. You only have the ability to refresh mandatory documents.

    • i.e. if you are uploading another document with the same title as a mandatory document (example: listing agreement) in your list, you will be creating a new document file as opposed to overriding the previous document.

  • When editing a mandatory file, the ability to save and add a new file has been removed.

  • Changing the type or request to required or optional is no longer available to the agent.

None of these changes will affect your documents . Each new upload will simply create a new file to be approved by your administration.


Please be advised that these changes or applicable to a few brokerages, if you have not been notified of these changes, please ignore this article.