Create new signing session

To send out create a new signing session for a listing or transaction, follow the steps below;

  1. Go to EDM and Signatures

  2. Select Create New Signing Session


  3. Select either an existing listing or transaction


  4. OR Select New listing / New Transaction report


New Listing

Complete the following fields;

  • Listing Agreement Type

  • Address

  • Clients

  • Continue


  • Upload documents for signing session and complete the fields

  1. Scanner and default share Type

  2. Add Documents

  3. Add Document Type to each uploaded document

  4. Create Signing Session


Add your default share type before uploading documents, if it’s selected after, you’ll need to apply a share type to each document individually before continuing.


You can edit contact information at any time if an error has been made. Click on edit listing to make changes.


New Transaction Report

Complete the following fields;

  1. Choose listing (include all listings) or

  2. Create a new blank transaction report


  3. Complete the fields;

    • Scanner and default share Type

    • Add Documents

    • Add Document Type to each uploaded document

    • Create Signing Session

      You can edit contact information at any time if an error has been made. Click on edit Transaction Report to make changes.


Steps on sending out a signing session: