How to add a deposit to a Transaction

How to add a deposit to a Transaction

  1. First select the transaction you wish to add a deposit to from the transactions menu

  2. To add a deposit, click on the Trust button.

3. Then click on Add Deposit

4. Fill out all the fields that are mandatory ( * )

  • Transaction type: Cheque deposit

  • Enter the Deposit Slip Receipt Number or use the Next Number button to assign the next available number in the system

If you receive a security deposit for the transaction (sometimes occurs for rentals), you should select the Reason for Deposit : Security deposit to be refunded, the amount will not affect your invoice to the notary/lawyer or the other agency.

The original amount is the amount of the check received, the amount recorded is the amount after currency conversion (ex: deposit in US dollars, 1000$, after conversion 1350$.


5. In the Contact section, Select the customer who made the deposit, it is possible that the cheque comes from a person who is not a customer in the transaction (ex: the father of the buyer makes a deposit for the purchase of his daughter's property).

In the information area: CONTACT

  • Client: Optional - If the customer is in your contact list, you can select him or her by cliqueiing on the 3 lines right of the box

  • Title: Optional - Select from Drop Down List

  • Depositor Name : Mandatory - Will be automatically filled in if you used the drop-down list in client.

  • Occupation: Optional

  • Deposit Type: Auto generate to ACCOUNT - do not change for a trust deposit

  • Date of birth 1: Optional - Will be automatically filled in if you used the drop down list in client.

  • Date of receipt of the deposit : the date you received the deposit.

  • Client 2: Optional - If information already on file, you can use it

  • Title 2: Optional - Choose from drop down list - Applicant Name 2: Mandatory - Will be automatically filled in if you used the drop down list in client.

  • Language: Mandatory - Choose Client Language

  • Recipient's email: Optional

  • Date of Birth 2: Optional - Will automatically be filled in if you have used the drop down list in client.

6. Click on Save and close at the top of the window


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