How to Create and Share a Service Report

How to Create and Share a Service Report

Track everything you've done within your clients transaction from sending emails, to feedback reports to documents created and more.

  1. Hover over the transaction name and click Info.

2. Click Service Report.

Navigating the Service Report

You can even keep your client in the loop about all the work you're doing on their behalf by sending them the Client Service Report and checking off or starring those events you'd like them to see.

  1. In the service report, navigate through the different tabs to select what to include or not in the Client Report.

2. Click on client view to see what it will look like on the client's side.

3. Once you confirm that it looks good to you, go back in the service report and click on Share and send the email to your client.

Make sure you provide them with the email address indicated in your client folder in NexOne as they will need it in order to access the service report.