Cancelling a mortgage referral cash receipt

The best way to make sure you don’t miss anything is to redo the steps of processing a mortgage referral backwards.


There are 3 possible scenarios when cancelling a mortgage referral cash receipt

  1. Was only the cash receipt created?

  2. Was the cash receipt created and the mortgage referral distribution linked to or independent from a transaction?

  3. Was the cash receipt, mortgage referral distribution and disbursements made for the referral?


1. Cancelling a cash receipt:

  • Open Cash receipt

  • Click on the pencil to edit

  • At the top of the Mortgage Referral Cash Receipt Profile, click on CANCEL


2. Cancelling a cash receipt and a distribution

In Transactions > Mortgage Referrals

  • Click on the pencil to edit the mortgage referral

  • In the mortgage referral distribution section, click on the warning sign to cancel the link.


  • The cancelled status will change to Yes.


If you can’t find the mortgage referral in this section go in Transactions

  • Click on the pencil to edit the transaction. (Transaction type: mortgage referral)


If linked to a transaction, the address with appear. If independent from a transaction, the address will be blank.

  • Go to disbursements


  • In the “Transaction Cash Receipt”, click on the No seq


  • In the Mortgage referral distribution section, click on the warning sign to cancel the link.


  • The cancelled status will change to Yes.


  • Once the page has reloaded, click the cash receipt number in the Mortgage referral cash receipt summary section.

    • You’ll be brought to the cash receipt, where you can click cancel at the top of the page.


Cancelling a mortgage referral when an agent / broker has been paid

In the disbursements section of the transaction

  • Go to Disbursements to Agents

  • Select your agent and click on the magnifying glass


  • Click on the warning sign to cancel the payment

If the payment was made in a different month and you have closed your accounting period, make sure to put the present date before cancelling.

If the month has not been closed, you can select the original date to cancel the operation.


If an EFT payment has been created and processed to the bank it won’t be cancelled. Only if the payment is waiting to be added to the outgoing batch can it be cancelled.


  • Follow the steps above in: 2.Cancelling a cash receipt and a distribution, then the steps in: 1. Cancelling a cash receipt to completely cancel a mortgage referral.