How to Process a Mortgage Referral

Go to Mortgage Referral

Step #1 Create a Cash Receipt

Fill in all the required information and then press SUBMIT

Make sure to put the name of the financial institution

Amount of cash receipt must be the amount of the check WITH taxes


Step #2 Process the Cash Receipt

Go back to the mortgage referrals

Click on the pencil to open the cash receipt

In the cash receipt, the amount for the brokers must be distributed


Step #3 Mortgage referral distribution

There is 4 options for the type of references

  • Cancelation of a previous disbursement

  • Office Bonus

  • Independent of a transaction

  • Linked to a transaction

To Link to a transaction
Choose the transaction to which you want to link the reference

Set the amount of the payment - Commission to be distributed

Step #3 Adding an Agent.

Then press save and close.

Then press save and close again.


Step #4 Finalise the cash receipt

Press Process

Step #5 Pay the Agent

Go to transaction and press the pencil next to your mortgage referral

Ensure that the transaction type is a mortgage referral

Then go to disbursement in the transaction

When in disbursement , pay agent as per usual

