Confirm your documents extension

Confirm your documents extension

Did you get this error message when trying to create a signing session?


If yes, it is because you have a document without a valid extension in the name.

To resolve this situation, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the folder’s EDM


  2. Check the box to include the Masked Documents


  3. Look for the document in the EDM not having an extension, or having a non-valid one in their name


  4. Once you find it, click on the pencil


  5. Add/Modify the extension to put a valid one; then click Save and close

If the document that does not have a valid extension is hidden, click on the icon with a cross to make it available for modification


After doing that, you should be able to create your signing session

You can find a list of accepted document extension in the adding document window

Here is the list: