How to create a custom fields

How to create a custom fields

This option allows you to customize the fields visible by folder type for your entire agency only.

Step #1: Go to; Administration > Configuration > Custom Fields

Step #2: Click on Create+ to have a new field, or click on the pencil to modify an existing field.

Step #3: This page appears afterwards, to allow you to manage this field.

Number: The number is automatically generated once the profile is completed, save and close.

Module: Do you want your variable field for a listing or a transaction?

Data Type: Date, Currency, Number, yes/no, percentage, text.

Label: This is the name you want to give to your custom field.

Required field: Do you want your variable field to be mandatory? yes or no

Active: Yes so that it is in your transaction or listing AND no if you don’t want it there


Step #4: Save and Close

Done! You have successfully created a custom field.