Processing a mortgage referral
Processing a mortgage referral
1) Create a Cash receipt (Accounting > Cash Receipts)
- Click on Add a cash receipt
- Select Mortgage referral
- Enter information for the reference cheque received including the financial institution.
- Upload (optional) all documents related to the referral into the Documents section
- Click on the Submit deposit icon to save.
2) Locate the cheque of the mortgage referral
Transactions > Mortgage Referrals
- Select the referral by clicking on the pencil
-In the Mortgage referral Distribution section, click ADD.
- Select: - Linked to a transaction / independent from a transaction / office bonus or / Cancelation of a previous disbursement
- Choose the transaction (if linked to a transaction)
*rem: you can also choose: independent of a transaction and enter customer data manually.
- Enter the referral amount
- Split the distribution between (s) agent (s) involved (s) + Apply balance to agents
- Save and close
REM: If the check includes several references, you must rather click Save and Continue and
repeat the process with the new reference.
- Office Bonus
In some cases, it is possible that the agency receives a subsidy. You must then enter the amount without taxes and choose the appropriate GL account.
When all the fields are complete, click on PROCESS at the top of the page to get to the next step.
3) Payments to broker (s) / agent (s)
-Click On Transactions
-Edit the Mortgage referral in question (should appear on top of the list)
-Click On disbursement
In the "Disbursements to Agents" section, apply the steps for cashing a transaction as you would a normal transaction.
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