How to send survey emails - 121QA

As a NexOne administrator, you have the ability to send out surveys to both seller and buyer clients.

To enable this service, contact 121QA

  1. To create a new survey:

    • Open a firm/closing transaction and select “Send a survey” on the right-hand side.


    • A new window will appear and you must make a selection:

      • On behalf of: Select the agent (if more than one from your office, repeat this process after the first one has been sent)

      • Select a client from the list. If you would like to add an additional client, click on “add a recipient”

        • The email section must be completed in order to send the survey.

      • Select type of client and language

      • Send



If an agent changes email address, you’ll need to connect in your 121QA Account and make the changes manually.


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