Create Offices & Teams

Create Offices & Teams

Your brokerage may have satellite offices, or teams that operate from a different location, meaning the information that will be populated in the forms will need to change.

This is where "child org units" such as offices and/or teams under the main "parent" brokerage come in handy! As s an administrator, you have the ability to create these offices and/or teams with separate brokerage information.

To create a team, let's start by clicking on the down arrow next to you name, then click on Manage Org Unit.

You will be taken to your Org Management page. From there, click the drop down list to display your current brokerage organizational structure. This will include all offices and teams.

To create a child org unit, click .

A new window will display.

Fill in the name, the Description, the Abreviation, and the Org Unit Type

The Parent Org is most likely the main Brokerage, but for clarity, the Brokerage is the parent of the Office and the Office is the parent of the teams within that Office. There are also scenario's with smaller brokerages, who do not have satellite offices, and in this case the Brokerage is the parent of the Team.

Lastly, select whether the new org unit will be an Office or a Team. An Office can't be a parent to another Office.

The new Org Unit has now been created, and the new team/office information can be filled in.

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