Office referrals given to the agents

Office referrals given to the agents

Managing office referrals


Management of office referrals is to guide potential clients who walk in or call the office in means to contact an agent to sell their home or to purchase one.


Transactions > Office Referrals
The interactive report opens a reference list already saved in the system.

The action tabs are as follows:

  1. Add a new referral

    Adding a referral consists of entering a reference given by the office or the director to an agent of the brokerage. Whether it is simply to register a referral receipt or to hold a commission at the office if a transaction may occure.

  2. Search Match

Search match is used to find referrals submitted in for listings or transactions linked with the referral. See the heading ‘' Search Match office referral’' for more information on this function.


Search match office referral

  1. Introduction

The search match allows you to find an ‘'active'' listing or a transaction ‘' In Progress’’ linked with a referral with a ‘' Pending’' status.

2. Search Match Function

  • Listing Match

    • For all referrals with ‘' Sale of Property’' with the ‘' pending’' status, a search is made with all listings with ‘' New’' , ‘' Active’' , ‘' Renewed'' status where the ‘’civic number’' and ‘'postal code’' of the property for sale is identical to the property in the referral.


  • Transaction Match

    • For all referrals with ‘'Property purchase’' with the ‘' Pending'' status, a search is launched for all transactions in order to find a transaction where the seller has a ‘'civic number’' and ‘’postal code’' identical to the clients in the referral.


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