Managing links with transactions

Managing links with transactions

We have just updated the special functions tab and you now have only one choice to link listings, buyer agreements, and transactions.


Link a transaction report to a transaction

  1. Administration > Special Functions > Listings and transactions


  2. Link management for a transaction


  3. Choose Transaction


  4. Once you’ve found your transaction, click the +


  5. The transaction section will auto-fill


  6. Select Next


  7. In the modification section, you can modify or select a new listing, buyer agreement, or transaction report to link.


    • Choose Listing, buyer agreement, or transaction report:


    • Remove Listing, buyer agreement, or transaction report: Will immediately unlink

  8. Select Next


  9. A confirmation message will appear


  10. Select SAVE


N.B: If multiple listings are linked, the status will be changed to conditional (multiple offers).

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