How to create a User Group

How to create a User Group

When you create a user you must associate a user group with it. This is what will determine the access your agent, assistant agent or office staff will have.

Here are some examples of user groups: agent, secretary, receptionist, supervisor, etc.

First, go to the user group page;

Administration > Security > Users Groups > then click Create + to add a new user group

Secondly, this page will open ;

You must complete the required fields.

Thirdly, if you want to give the same accesses to your new user group as an existing one you have to select your Reference User Group and then import (1) , otherwise you have to checked the accesses one by one that you want to give (2) ;

Fourth, once all the accesses are given and validated, you can do ''Save and Close''.

Your User Group is now ready to be used;

You can change the accesses of your user group at any time by using the pencil to the left of the name .


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