Transaction Viewer

Transaction Viewer


Transaction managers have the additional option of searching for transactions using the Transaction Viewer. This tab gives TM's an overview of deals that are happening within their brokerage and allows them to manage & organize the way they view those transactions!

This is what your Transaction Viewer looks like.

Searching for a Transaction

All Fields: Click on the "All Fields" drop down to display different search options. Select options such as Address, Agent Name, Transaction Name, and Client Name. Write into the text field beside the drop down according to the option you chose. etc. (option) Address: (name) 123 Main Street.
Org: Click the downward chevron to narrow your search to the Org Unit
Type: Select if it is a Listing or Buyer Transaction
Date Created: Filter transactions based on the date they were created.
Status: Choose the current state of your transaction i.e. Active, Pending, Sold, Closed/Paid out, Collapsed, Expired/Terminated, Unspecified.

After the configurations have been set, click Search to start your search. Click Clear Search to clear all search configurations.

Save Search Filters

You can also save your search configurations, allowing you to quickly access different setups such as showing you all "Closed Listings for March".

Once you click Save Search, a window will pop-up asking you to name your Search Filter. You can also choose to have the system use this filter as a default search by enabling "Make this the default search". Click Add Search Filter to add it to your list of Search Filters.

You can find all your previously created search filters under the Search Filter heading. Click the pencil icon to rename the filter or to set it as your default search. Click the (x) button to delete the filter.

Filter Transactions

On the left side of your Transaction Viewer, there is a legend which can be used to select different statuses. After clicking the status, it will automatically search for transactions that have that status. You can combine multiple statuses.

On the bottom of your Transaction Viewer, there is another set of filter configurations.

  • Filtering by Transaction Name or Agent will order the transactions alphabetically according to what was chosen.
  • Filtering by Create Date order's the transaction with the most recently opened transaction listed first
  • Decide how many transactions you wish to display at one time by clicking these buttons.
  • Much like the archive functionality, you can toggle on/off closed transactions with the Show Closed filter. This can help clean up your Transaction Viewer!

Add a Transaction through Transaction Viewer

Click here for instructions!

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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