How to add a student user .

  1. create the student user group .

Administration > Security > User Groups. Create+

a) fill in "User group profile”

b) check the functions for which you give students access in the platform.

c) Once everything is verified and confirmed you can "Save and close" at the top of the page.

2. Create a Agents profile for your student.

Agents/ Non-agents > Agents +Create

a) Complete the " Agent " section

If it's not a agent with a license you don't put a "Registration # " at this stage.


b) Next

c) Fill in the agent's profile then "Save and close

"Association Licence # " and "Agent Board Id" put a fictitious number.


3. Go create a user so that the agent (student) has access to NexOne

Administration > Security > Users +Create

a) User type : agent

User group : student

Agent : Ashley Smith ( the one you just created with fictitious license number )

User Code : ASHLEY ( usualy the fisrt name of the agent )

Password : you can put what you want


b) Save and Close

4. Give the username and password you determined for this user to your student agent and tell him/her that he/she can log in to NexOne office directly with it:

number of your brokerage,

user login,


Normally the agent with a valid license connects with centris, but since your agent does not have a valid license yet and is a student, he will still have access to the platform according to the access you gave him with his user group.
