-Sign Audit
The sign audit function is a tool developed by NexOne to make keeping track of your sessions and signatoris quick and easy.
1: To find the sign audit, go to the documents section of your listing or transaction and select the signatures tab. Once there, you will be able to select the session of your choice by click on the subject. You will be able to see identifying information such as the subject, status and date of the session.
2: Before entering the session audit ensure all pop-up blockers are disabled as this will prevent the repree app from opening the audit.
3: Once the session is open you will be brought to window similar to the one shown below.
4: From this screen you will have many options in relation to your active session. You will have the ability to edit existing sessions, delete a session that is no longer required and view any documents attached to the session itself.
5: You will also have some information in relation to the session such as the name of the client, the transaction subject and session ID. If you provide the session ID to NexOne support staff they will be able to do verifications and effect certain changes in the session at your request as well as regenerate documents and signing session certificates for up to 7 years.
6: If your client has not received or has lost the signing request or prefers to receive it by SMS you will have the option to resend the email or send to the number of their choice.
7: The central use of the sign audit to keep track of the status of your session. Below you will see when the client has been informed by email of your request, when they have viewed the documents, when they have created a signature on the repree app, when they have begun signing and when they have finished signing. You will also be given the time and date; additionally, if required, NexOne support can provide the IP address the signing originated from.
Now you’re all caught up with the NexOne Sign Audit function!