Getting Started with NexOne Sign
Selecting Signers
Select your signers, choose their routing orders, choose their signer type, add their profession, require a password to begin the signing process and more with Ratify by repree!
You can access a full article on how to select your signer in the following link: Select Signers and Documents (Select and Add Signers. Drag and Drop Documents for signing)
Tagging Documents
Tag for signatures, initials, add text, cross-out text and add check boxes for your signers. Assign elements to one signer, all signers. In the case of Text, Strikethrough and Check Box elements you don't assign it to any signer so no changes can be made!
You can access a full article on how to Tag documents in the following link: Tagging (example: Place Signature, Initial, Date/Time for your signer)
Making Changes to Electronic Documents
Resend a document, add and remove signers, edit email addresses, add documents, and re-tag the document. Changes can be made when a document's status is in Draft (Yellow: Document for Electronic Signing) or Sent (Green: Document for electronic signing). Once Complete (Grey: Document for Electronic Signing) changes will need to be made to a Signed Document. Please see the tutorial, Making Changes to Signed Document, below.
You can access a full article on how to Make changes to electronic documents in the following link: Edit your Signing Session
Making Changes to Signed Documents
Once a document has come back to you Signed, there may be times when you'll need to make changes. For example, when a counter offer is made.
You can access a full article on how to Make changes to signed documents in the following link: Making Changes to Signed Documents (example: Counteroffer)
InPerson Signer
NexOne Sign makes signing in person quick and easy. Just tag your document for your signer, choose the Document for Electronic Signing on your NexOne Agent homepage, pass your client your mobile device and your completed document is just a few short steps away.
You can access a full article on how to Sign In-Person in the following link: In-Person Signer (example: Your client signs from your tablet or computer)
Sign Audit
The Sign Audit in NexOne Sign allows you to track the document sent for electronic signatures every step of the way. You can also save and print a certificate of the signing session creating an electronic witness of the session!
You can access a full article on how to Sign Audit in the following link: Sign Audit (Track signer(s) throughout their signing session. Print Session Certificate)
Complete Signing Session
Watch a full signing session from agent view, to client view, and back to agent view!
You can access a full article on how to Complete a signing session in the following link: Watch a Complete Signing Session
Client Walk Through
This walk through is specifically designed to take clients through their signing session, showing each element they may encounter throughout the session.
You can access a full article about Client Walk Through in the following link: Client Walkthrough