Getting Started with Back Office for Conveyancing
The back office of a brokerage is the heart of the brokerage and repree is here to make their lives easier! Review, accept and return documents submitted by agents. Store and track the work of the brokerage all in one place through one easy portal.
The transaction viewer displays every transaction within the brokerage with easy to use search filters to find the transaction you're looking for:
Transaction Viewer
The Activities Tab stores those activities currently assigned to conveyancing and is also the place where you will build plans for your brokerage:
Activities Tab for Transaction Managers
Delete activities and plans by deleting individual activities submitted in the Activities tab:
Deleting Activities and Plans Submitted to your Brokerage
You can change the settings and details of plans in the Activities tab as well:
Transaction Managers - Setting or Changing Reviewers
The transaction viewer displays every transaction within the brokerage with easy to use search filters to find the transaction you're looking for.