Getting Started: Add a Transaction

Step 1:

  • Click on the Clients Name that the Transaction with pertains to

  • Click on '+Add Transaction

Step 2:

  • Enter the Transaction Address

  • Select the Type of Transaction this will categorize under (Listing, Buyer, Referral, Other ect…)


  • Select the current status


  • When complete, select SAVE


Your Transaction will now appear when you select your Client.


Step 3:

  • Select the Transaction, Click on Info to view property details.

  • Select the Trade Record Tab to enter all the details needed.

If you are using Forms, you can populate form data to trade record and avoid entering the information twice.


Step 4:

Fill out Transaction Information, Conditions, Contacts and Commission Calculator



Step 5:

The Service Report is a Report to view all of the activities that were made on this file. You are able to see when documents were added, emails and any activities between You and your Admin.

To exit the screen , click on the X in the top right corner


Adding a Document

To add a document to your transaction

  1. Select your client, transaction and +Add Document


  2. In the new window, select

    • add files to add from your desktop


    • or Launch Forms


  3. Any notes related to your association forms can be found on this pop-up screen


For details on completing forms, please refer to this article:
